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Wellbeing & Resilience

Have you ever asked, whilst sitting through the safety announcements before take-off, why you are required to put our own oxygen mask on before putting it on your children? It might seem selfish or feel like a lack of love! The reality is that if we do not take care of our personal wellbeing, we won’t be there for our family, and all the people who rely on us either in our professional or personal lives.


We often find ourselves so caught up in the pressures of everyday life, responding to the needs of others, that we put ourselves at the bottom of the pile. This lifestyle just isn’t sustainable and will eventually catch up with us.


I can support you to be in the driving seat, take full control. You will understand your feelings and manage your emotions like never before and develop increased resilience to overcome whatever life throws at you.         

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In addition: You are welcome to ask me about my resilience training for 10-18 year olds. This insight developed by IHEART is a vital life tool for every person on this planet. It helps us to understand our psychological system to better equip us with a more balanced mental health. I offer this most impactful training either in 1:1 sessions, in small groups, or I can bring this into your school, offering an entire class / year group this ground-breaking opportunity.

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Are you ready to take action? Get a free 30 minute introductory session with Michael

Looking forward!

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